

2015-11-23 / 0 评论 / 1,684 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...



Dear rong,

Thank you for continuing to support HostUS! As the holiday season is upon us, it is time to be thankful and generous. We are including a special holiday discount good on all HostUS monthly VPS services!

USE PROMO CODE: BF25VPS to save 25% off all regular monthly VPS services (valid through December 1st). View our OpenVZ VPS plans here.

We are actively working on improving our services and customer experience at HostUS. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please take a minute to contact us here.

What’s New At HostUS

We are happy to announce lots of exciting enhancements to HostUS services! We are giving free upgrades to existing services, launching new datacenter locations, and announcing other new services coming soon to HostUS.

Bitcoin Now Accepted at HostUS

We now accept Bitcoin for all purchases and renewals.

Free DDoS Protection

With the growing frequency of attacks recently directed at our infrastructure, and the downtime it has caused, HostUS is now beta testing DDoS protection with selected OpenVZ services (available now in selected datacenter locations: Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, London and Washington DC). The DDoS Protection is FREE, and it is transparent requiring no configuration or adjustment to your service. For more information, please click here.

We expect to roll out free DDoS protection to all services in the locations mentioned above towards the end of the November.

Three New Server Locations – London, Sydney and Washington, DC

We are proud to announce that we have expanded our datacenter locations. This time, we are not adding just one location, we are adding THREE locations. Two of these locations are on continents we’ve never offered services before.

London, United Kingdom

London is the largest city by population in the United Kingdom. An economic powerhouse for hundreds of years, London remains at the center of finance. Like its busy airport that has more passengers a year than any other, London is a top hub for internet traffic. This busy metro is home to one of Europe’s largest peering exchanges, LINX, London Internet Exchange. Learn More.

Sydney, Australia

Sydney is a bustling city and main telecom hub for Australia and Oceania. We are peered directly with the major peering exchanges which are vital for internet connectivity in Australia. For more information on our Sydney, Australia, location check out our datacenter page here.

Washington, DC, USA (Herndon, VA)

Herndon is just outside of the US Capital city of Washington, DC. It is part of the sprawling corridor of datacenters that rivals the Silicon Valley. Commonly, the area is referred to as Ashburn, which is both the name of a neighboring town here and the location of one of the largest telecom point of presence in the United States. For more information on our Washington, DC, location check out our datacenter page here.

These datacenter expansions come after our successful launch of new services in Hong Kong, China. HostUS now offers OpenVZ Hosting in seven locations across four continents.

cPanel Shared & Reseller Hosting Upgrades

cPanel Shared and cPanel Reseller Hosting accounts will be upgraded soon to a new server with 24 CPU cores and faster storage. Our existing CentOS architecture will be changed to CloudLinux, to offer better resource isolation, and faster page load time. You will receive an email in the next two weeks with details about the move.

In the coming months, we will be adding new shared and reseller hosting locations in Europe and Asia.

Don’t forget our holiday promo code to save on new monthly VPS services! Happy holidays!


Best Regards,
HostUS Solutions LLC



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