
2019-07-24 / 0 评论 / 2,190 阅读 / 未收录,提交收录



套餐 CPU 内存 硬盘 流量 系统 价格
OVZ1 单核 1GB 30GB 无限 $13.5/年
OVZ2 双核 2GB 50GB 无限 $27/年
OVZ3 双核 4GB 60GB 无限 $54/年
OVZ4 双核 6GB 80GB 无限 $81/年
OVZ5 双核 8GB 100GB 无限 $108/年
优惠码:OVZ50OFF   测试IP:


套餐 CPU 内存 硬盘 流量 系统 价格
VPS1 单核 1GB 10GB 无限 $27/年
VPS2 单核 1.5GB 15GB 无限 $36/年
VPS3 单核 2GB 20GB 无限 $5/月
VPS4 双核 4GB 30GB 无限 $7/月
VPS5 双核 6GB 50GB 无限 $10/月
VPS6 四核 8GB 100GB 无限 $20/月
1)"UPGRADE" - Use this coupon to get a free VPS Package upgrade e.g. if you ordered VPS 1 with 512 MB you can ask for free upgrade to Package VPS 2 with 1024 MB RAM and 10 G Disk space, same applies to all other packages, you basically get free upgrade to next higher VPS Package, once you use this coupon code and received your VPS Please submit a support ticket to get this upgrade. (This offer does not applies to Custom VPS and 256 MB RAM VPS, it can be used for any other VPS Packages and it's applicable only for new orders) This is a lifetime coupon/upgrade.
2)“DA” - This gives you free Direct Admin Control panel, applicable on KVM VPS 2 - VPS 7 packages in both locations LA as well as NY. OVZ 2 - OVZ 7 Packages can also use this coupon to get free Direct Admin Panel
#OVZ 2 - OVZ 7,KVM VPS 2 - VPS 7可免费获取DA授权
3)“INTRO20” - This coupon gives 20% OFF on all billing cycles except for 256MB and 512 MB OVZ and 256 MB KVM VPS (Annual billing cycle gives you additional 25% discount)
4)“DOUBLERAM” - This coupon will give you DOUBLE RAM, after placing order using this coupon code just submit a support ticket to DOUBLE your VPS RAM)
5)“DOUBLEDISK” - This coupon will give you DOUBLE SSD Disk Space, after placing order using this coupon code just submit a support ticket to DOUBLE your VPS Disk Space (SSD RAID 10)
6)"OVZ50OFF" OpenVZ年付5折(最低OVZ1套餐起)
***DA | DOUBLERAM | DOUBLEDISK | UPGRADE - These coupons or upgrades are recurring
7)"FREEIPCHANGE" 每年免费一次IP更换(不含256M内存套餐)

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